Ant Control in Hillsboro

Pointe Pest Control Office in Portland Oregon

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March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Top Rated Hillsboro Ant Control

Once the weather turns warmer in Hillsboro, people love to get out onto patios and decks and enjoy the sunshine. Unfortunately, ants do too, and they can quickly turn an enjoyable picnic into a nightmare. Ants also do not always stay outside. They come inside looking for food and water and once they are in your house, they are incredibly difficult to get rid of. Many people will exhaust do-it-yourself options to no avail and find that the only real way to get rid of ants once and for all is to call a Hillsboro ant control specialist.

Fun Facts About Ants

If ants have invaded your home, there is a good chance that you do not think there is anything fun about them. However, ants are incredibly interesting animals and the more you understand them, the better chance you have at removing them from your home. Below are some of the most interesting facts about the ants you may be seeing in and around your home.

  • There are more than 12,000 species of ants around the world.
  • While some bugs and insects live for only a few days or weeks, ants can live much longer, with some species living up to 30 years.
  • One can carry up to 50 times its own body weight and when moving larger objects, ants will work together to do it.
  • Ants do not have ears, but listen by feeling vibrations in the ground.
  • Although humans have been on earth for approximately 200,000 years, ants have been around for approximately 110 million years, surviving an ice age and the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs.

Why DIY Does Not Work

There are many products on the market today that claim they can help you get rid of your ant problem. Most of these solutions are traps that contain bait, but they rarely work. Even when they seem to be effective for several months, homeowners typically find that their ant problem comes back. There are many reasons why these traps do not work, including:

  • Wrong bait: Ant traps rely on bait and many people assume that any type of bait will do. That is unfortunately, not true. Different types of ants prefer different types of bait. The odorous ant, for example, prefers sweet bait, while pavement ants prefer greasy bait.
  • Kills the ants too quickly: If you continue to see dead ants around your home as well as live ones, there is a chance that the bait is killing the ants too quickly. To effectively eliminate an entire colony, the worker ants must take the bait back to the queen. Once the queen is killed, the entire colony will quickly diminish. Bait that works too quickly kills the ant before they get the food back to the queen. While this will kill some ants, it will not get rid of all of them.
  • Not enough bait: Ant colonies can grow quite large, and if you do not have enough bait, it may not be enough to kill all of the ants.

Many homeowners will spend a lot of money using these DIY methods, only to find that the ants come back, or they never leave in the first place. It is for this reason that so many people eventually end up calling in a professional that can get the job done.

Why Call an Ant Control Specialist?

Ant problems really do require the help of an ant control specialist. A technician experienced in eradicating ants will know how to determine where the ants are coming from, and effectively destroy them. This is often difficult for homeowners to do on their own, particularly when they seem to remove the ants for a little while, but the ants just come back after several months. In these instances, the ants likely have gone into the wall, which makes it very difficult for the homeowner to find them.

Additionally, the bait used in DIY solutions is not usually very effective. A professional will use pesticides and insecticides that are industrial strength, which are much stronger, and that have been scientifically proven.