Albany Bed Bug Control; Crouching Problem, Hidden Bed Bug
Remember playing hide and seek as a child? Bed bugs have taken the simple game to a new disturbing level. Your bed isn’t the only place in which they will disappear. For a bed bug, your bedroom is a dream come true. They can hide behind picture frames, inside the cracks of your nightstand, under your baseboards, even within electrical outlets. If there is a dark area in your room, they will find it and vanish. You won’t like them when they come out to play. They know when you are sleeping and that is when they feed. You and your children are on their menu.
Bed Bug Blues
If you are getting bit at night, you might have bed bugs. Their bites are itchy welts that often come in scattered lines. Turn back your sheets and take a closer look. If you see small, brownish red spots and stains, there is no doubt, you definitely have bed bugs. Ordinary chemicals will not be
enough to eliminate the problem. Before you start singing the bed bug blues, you need to call Pointe Pest Control. We are the local solution to bed bugs in Albany. Our technicians are bed bug experts. Bed bugs cannot hide from us. We know how to find them and know how to get rid of the problem.
Integrated Pest Management
Our technicians use the principles of Integrated Pest Management. That means we identify the pest and use a multipronged treatment approach to get rid of the problem. Pointe Pest Control is your local, effective solution. We will identify bed bug hot spots and create a treatment plan that will meet your needs. You will feel safe, because our treatment methods are environmentally friendly. You and your family will be safe from harm and free from bed bugs. If you have a crouching bed bug problem you need the professionals at Pointe Pest Control. Call us today and schedule your free inspection.