Wasp Control in Albany

Pointe Pest Control Office, warehouse and motor pool in Albany , Oregon

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Albany

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Take Back Your Home with Albany Wasp Control

When the temperature climbs, the perfect place to cool down is at the COOL! pool at the Swanson Park Action Center. If you attempt to leave your home and are assaulted by hundreds of angry wasps, your summer might be filled with stings and irritation.

Watch out for the Wasps

Wasps like to build their nests in areas protected from the wind and rain. Your porch is the perfect place. When their nest is small, you might not think anything of it as you leave for the store. When late summer hits, the same nest will hold twenty to forty adults.

If you get to close to them, they will attack you with a whirlwind of stingers and biting mandibles. They might love your porch, but the eaves around your home will do just fine. Wasps have been known to make nests in dense vegetation, under decks, inside playground equipment and even inside your grill. They might make things difficult the next time you want to have a barbecue.

During late summer wasps become more aggressive, especially when it is hot and dry. Step outside with a sugary drink or meat and you will soon be sharing with a few wasps.

Angry Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets make wasps look calm and friendly. Yellow jackets are very territorial. If you get too close to a nest you will be attacked. The first attackers release an alarm pheromone, which incites the entire nest. It won’t take long for you to get covered in stings and bites. Unlike wasps, yellow jackets prefer to make their nests underground. Old furniture and couches will work as well.

Pointe Pest Control is your solution

You don’t have to spend your summer getting stung. If you want to take back your yard from wasps and yellow jackets, you need to call
Pointe Pest Control for your local Albany wasp control. Our experienced technicians will be able to safely eradicate wasp colonies. We are fast and efficient. Our technicians will work around your schedule and use the most current wasp eradication technologies. We are serious about wasp control. Reclaim your right to use your yard, call Pointe Pest Control today.