Top Rated Ant Control in Redmond
Ants Are More than Just a Picnic Pest
Redmond is one of the fastest growing communities in Oregon. There’s an abundance of recreational opportunities available throughout the area, all of which are popular with local residents and visitors alike. You will find many perfect spots to have a picnic lunch with family or friends in the midst of biking, hiking, camping, golfing, rafting, or other activities. Unfortunately, the area is not immune from ants, which can quickly put a damper on your enjoyment when dining outdoors and can too often get carried back into your home or office. At Pointe Pest Control, our Redmond ant control experts provide safe, eco-friendly solutions when ants cause a disturbance, preventing them from creating bigger problems in your life.
Ants Are More than Just a Minor Annoyance
Finding ants in your home or at your business is always a concern. They can multiply dramatically in a very short time while surprising you by appearing in large numbers in a variety of places. Ants can leave you fearful of putting food out on your counters and can ruin your appetite when you find them crawling along cabinets or near food containers. While unpleasant as this is to deal with and as uncomfortable as it can make you within your home, this can be considered as a minor annoyance in light of some of the serious damages certain types of ants can cause. Two of the most destructive types of ants in our area are carpenter ants and imported fire ants.
Imported fire ants (IFA) are considered both an agricultural and health problem across the USA and have recently been reported in large numbers throughout Oregon. Native to South America, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) states they first began migrating to the country decades ago, hitching on ships docked at southern U.S. ports. Since then, they travel through floods and irrigation, as well as through packages shipped via boats and trains. It takes only one queen and a few worker ants to eventually build a large colony and infest cotton, sod, wood, and other building materials that often get transported from place to place. As one of several species of mounding ants in Oregon, they can form elaborate tunnels in and around your property, posing a danger to pets, livestock, and crops surrounding your home, farm, or factory. The venomous sting of even a single fire ant is extremely painful. When several bites occur, it can result in swelling, infections, and in some cases, shock or death.
Carpenter ants are another type of invasive species of ants in Oregon that can cause major damage and need to be taken seriously. Carpenter ants often inhabit logs, stumps, and hollow trees around your property before eventually working their way into your home. Mounds of sawdust gathered along woodpiles, floorboards, and wooden rails or banisters are sure signs you may have a carpenter ant problem. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood but only chew through it leaving the dust behind. They can also chew through and build nests in other types of materials, such as insulation, paper, and different types of mulches. They can even be found in stored clothing or household linens, having chewed their way into boxes and bags in your attic or garage. Make no mistake – these pests can cause serious, possibly structural damage to your home and other buildings and need to be attended to swiftly and effectively.