Your Local Redmond Rodent Control Experts
If rodents have set up a nest in your home, you will need to deal with the problem immediately. Most over-the-counter methods are ineffective for a number of reasons. Firstly, they may kill the rodents, but they won’t prevent them from coming back. Secondly, you need to know if you’re dealing with mice or rats before you deploy a solution. Mouse traps simply won’t work on rats. Lastly, poorly deployed baits can create a bigger problem than they solve. Sure, you may lure in rodents to your baits, but you have no way of knowing if the rodents you lured in came from inside or outside your house. In other words, you’re only perpetuating the problem by luring rodents into your house.
As tough as they are to deal with, they also pose a number of health risks to you and your family. Rodents are highly unsanitary to humans. Their urine and feces can contain a number of illnesses, some of which can be fatal if not treated promptly. If you hear rodents scratching around in the walls or see rodent droppings on the floor, it’s time to call in professional pest control experts who can deal with the problem safely and efficiently.
Pointe Pest Control can manage your rodent problems in a safe and effective manner. We understand that you may have small children or pets on the premises and can deploy a solution that won’t put them at risk. Give us a call or contact us online to set up an appointment.
Rodents Cause Diseases
Rodent urine, feces, or bites can cause a number of illnesses. They carry the hantavirus which can lead to serious cardiopulmonary problems, salmonellosis (salmonella), rat bite fever, leptospirosis, and plague (yes that plague). The majority of these diseases are bacterial and will thus respond well to antibiotics but they are sometimes difficult to diagnose because they may appear like other more common illnesses.
So rodent infestations are not something you want to take your time dealing with. Rodents can be deadly to humans and, as cute as they are in the pet store, they are terrible as squatters.
Rodents Destroy Your Woodwork, Dry Wall, and Can Chew Through Cinder Blocks
Many animals, like bunny rabbits, mice, and rats don’t have a genetic mechanism to tell their teeth to stop growing. Anyone who has had a rabbit as a pet knows this. They need to chew on something in order to keep their teeth from overgrowing into their gums and killing them. They’re not picky either. Rodent’s jaws are strong enough to chew through cinder blocks, so they won’t think twice about chewing through your electrical wiring, drywall, or wood. Once they get settled into your home, they will cause serious property damage.
Rodents Would Probably Survive Nuclear Holocaust
Rat-like creatures were the first mammals on earth. They were small, quick, and best of all, they bred incredibly quickly. Female rats go into heat about 15 times a year. During that period, they will mate with just about every male rat they can find. Each litter can produce up to 8 pups. Females can breed within six months of being born. A pair of rats can produce up to 2000 descendants in a year.
Not only that, but rats are more impressive than you probably give them credit for. Not only are they smart enough to remember paths back and forth to your food supply, but they can tread water for three days, jump as high as foot, and can climb just about anywhere. That includes traversing electrical wires on their way into your attic. Black rats and Norway rats can be found all over the world. Why? Because the stowed away on ships.
Are DIY Methods Effective?
You can find a lot of different chemicals out there that can kill rats. The chemicals that are used to kill rats, however, are no safer for you. Many an unwanted husband found out the hard way that strychnine and arsenic make good anti-husband agents.
Baits and traps can be effective, but you have to beware of how you use them. In addition, you want to make sure you shore up any holes in your home’s defenses before you try to lure rodents into the baits. You may end up exacerbating the problem.
In the end, these methods end up costing more money than they save. Hiring a pest control expert and then making the necessary changes to keep rats out of your home always works.