Ant Control in Cle Elum

Pointe pest control office and warehouse in Pasco Washington

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Pointe Office/s Serving Cle Elum

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Cle Elum Ant Control Removes Thieving Ants

In Cle Elum, Washington, hiking along The Coal Mines Trail makes for an enjoyable afternoon. A 5.5 mile trail along old coal mining slag piles and fan houses is an exciting walk through the past. With historic markers along the way explaining the history of the mine, it is an educational experience for old and young alike. Ants share a similarity with coal miners, also digging deep into the earth, making underground caverns and walkways. But unlike coal miners, ants live happily in their underground homes, dragging food down to all their family members so they can grow their population. Ants depend on a food source to keep their community alive and growing. If your house full of food is close to their nest, they feel totally justified in breaking in to steal your discarded crumbs for their hundreds and thousands of starving children. Not enough crumbs on the floor? That’s okay, they’ll break into your favorite bag of chips.

Did you know?

There are more than 10,000 kinds of ants worldwide. Each colony of ants is headed by a queen who lays all the eggs. She relies on the female, sterile workers to take care of the eggs and during the night when it gets colder, they take the eggs into the heart of the nest for warmth and protection. They also fix the nest and hunt for food. The male’s job is to mate with the queen and then they die. In the ant world, females do all the work. Ant pheromones are used to communicate to each other. This sophisticated method of communication keeps the colony growing strong. When an ant colony enters your house, this thought can be daunting. How do you get rid of a nest of millions of ants? Pointe Pest Control has your answers for guaranteed Cle Elum ant control.