Wasp Control in Cle Elum

Pointe pest control office and warehouse in Pasco Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Cle Elum

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Cle Elum Wasp Control Keeps Your Yard Safe

Cle Elum, Washington might sound like a funny name for a city but the name actually means “swift water” in the language of the Kittitas Indians. Inspired by the Cle Elum river, the Kittitas tribe thought it a fitting name for the fast moving river and gave that same name to the beautiful, peaceful lake created by the Cle Elum Dam. The river and lake provide much enjoyment to all who come to them for recreation and relaxation along their banks. This is exactly the opposite that you’ll get from a nestful of wasps around your house. Fighting off wasps when you take the trash out, weed the garden, grill up some chicken, or try and relax on your patio is aggravating and ruins the tranquil mood of your yard. For the best Cle Elum wasp control, your answer is Pointe Pest Control.

Wasp’s reputation

Bees and wasps are often confused but most people can agree that bees are preferable. They bring us delicious honey, they are quiet, and even cute, especially gigantic bumble bees. You almost want to cuddle them…maybe. A lot has been done to make bees more charming to the public eye with the introduction of adorable bee themed movies and cartoons, as well as plush and squishy stuffed bee toys. But wasps? They get the shaft and for good reason! They’re aggressive, noisy and do damage to your trees, shrubs and home. Teaching your children the difference between bees and wasps is important. Bees will only sting if their lives are in jeopardy. They don’t want to sting you! It means death to them. Wasps however, if they feel threatened or annoyed at your presence, will attack and repeatedly sting over and over. Ridding them from your yard protects your home, family and pets from damage and pain.