Spokane Valley Ant Control Go for a Strike
With 20 lanes of knockdown excitement, Valley Bowl in Spokane Valley has withstood the test of time. They have remained open while other bowling alleys have closed. No matter how many times the pins get knocked down the pinsetter machine sets them back up. That’s kind of like ants. No matter how many times you kill them, more creep back in. Some are just irritating, while other species can be downright destructive.
Pavement Ants
Swarms of inky bodies pool out of the cracks in sidewalks and driveways; they form mounds in flowerbeds and find their way into our kitchens to raid food. Also known as sugar ants, pavement ants can be a nuisance. They create elaborate tunnels beneath cement and paving stones. Poisons purchased from the garden center only kill the workers, which the queen can rapidly replace. If you’re tired of vacuuming, smashing, and sweeping only to see the troublemakers back the next morning, don’t lose hope. Give Pointe Pest Control in Spokane Valley a call. We’ll target the queen, knocking down the hive so they cannot get back up.
Carpenter Ants
Pavement ants are irritating and will ruin food, but they don’t cause structural damage. Carpenter ants in contrast, are the real menace. Equipped with powerful jaws, they chew through wood, including the wooden studs in our homes. Though damp and rotten wood is preferred, Carpenter ants can tunnel through sound lumber just as easily. Once a colony becomes established indoors, it doesn’t take long for them to cause significant structural damage. If you see piles of sawdust and ant carcasses in your home, you’ll know there’s a problem. Like pavement ants, the carpenter ant queen must be killed in order to eradicate the colony. Pointe Pest Control technicians have the experience and knowledge needed to take out the queen that’s holding the hive together. Don’t let carpenter ants ruin your greatest investment, if you suspect an infestation call us today.