Bed Bug Control in Spokane Valley

Pointe Pest Control office and warehouse in Post Falls, Idaho

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Pointe Office/s Serving Spokane Valley

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Spokane Valley Bed bug Control Catching the Monster

Only two miles away from downtown Spokane valley, Shelley Lake is a great place to catch that monstrous fish. Nearby hotels and restaurants, provide everything else an angler needs. A massive salmon would be a great catch, yet there is another monster you don’t want to take home. Attracted to carbon dioxide, they crawl out of dark hiding places. They feed on blood… human blood… at night while you sleep. Throughout Washington and America, bedbugs are on the rise.

Their bites resemble angry red welts. Be careful, there are numerous insects that leave the same type of mark. Another way you can tell is by looking for reddish brown spots within you sheets. Bedbugs defecate while they feast, leaving stains. As the infestation grows, the number of bites and spots will increase.

Unlike other insects, bedbugs reproduce rather slowly. That’s not say much though. The numbers suggest exponential population growth. A female will lay about 1 egg per day and up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. After hatching, each nymph will take about 6 weeks to become an adult capable of reproduction. In 6 months one bed bug will become a population in the tens of thousands. Eggs are small and difficult to see; often bites go unnoticed until the vampires are established.


Luggage is a favorite. Suitcases are dark and usually left near the bed. After feeding, bedbugs find places to hide. If your bag is close to the bed you’ll bring the monsters home. They’ll hitch a ride from your business trip, hotel stay or arrive with your friends when they come to spend the night.

Bedbugs are one of the most difficult indoor pests to eradicate. Seeking the services of a professional is recommended. Point Pest Control can help. Our technicians are certified and trained. We have methods that will stop the bedbugs in their tracks and let you get back to catching the monsters (fish and such) you want. If you suspect that bedbugs are keeping you from a good night’s rest, give Pointe Pest Control a call.