Tumwater Ant Control Sends Ants Packing
Tumwater, Washington is a fantastic place to live and visit. It’s full of refreshing natural beauty and history. It was the end of the Oregon Trail and was the first permanent Euro-American settlement in Puget Sound. The last thing you need in your home is annoying insects and pests!
While Washington lives in the minds of Americans as the rainiest state, Florida and Hawaii have us beat. What we should be famous for are our agriculture and seafood exports! We grow the most apples in the nation along with producing staggering amounts of carrots, cherries, shellfish, and fish.
Ants love living around such abundance and colonies are ever expanding and increasing in numbers. While smaller colonies of ants may only number in the hundreds, supercolonies have been found with in excess of 300 million ants!
Ants: A Stubborn Pest
If you’ve got ants it is time to take nature back outside, where it belongs. Ants are among the most stubborn insects that invade our homes. They’re small, they get into everything, and sometimes it’s nearly impossible to figure out how they get inside.
Once ants find a crack to crawl through they release a pheromone that signals their colony. In seemingly no time you have hundreds, if not thousands, of ants creeping around your kitchen or bathrooms.
Carpenter Ants Can Cause Damage
The kitchen isn’t the only place ants like to take over. Carpenter ants damage support beams, floor joists, walls, and more. If they find a way inside and build a nest, you may end up with costly repair bills.
Carpenter ant queens live up to 25 years. That means if you have a nest in your home they can be building entire colonies while you’re just living your life. They are large black ants that are indigenous to Tumwater, WA.
Odorous House Ants
Odorous House Ants look just about identical to regular ants. They are brown or black and about 1/16th of an inch in length. They earn their name from a foul smell as they are crushed, which is similar to rotting coconut.
Around Washington, these ants are perhaps the most difficult ants in our area to discourage. Often they are attracted to pastries, dairy products, and fruit juices. The Odorous House Ants swarm year round but are often more active in the summer months of June and July.
Sugar Ants
Sugar ants, also known as pavement ants, can come flowing through your flowerbeds, cracks in the driveway, and spilling out around your sidewalks. While store-bought pesticides kill worker ants, the queen stays alive and replenishes her numbers. So without professional intervention, you’re likely to have an ongoing battle.
These ants make elaborate tunnels under paving stones and concrete, so the queen can be hard to locate. If you’ve just noticed them or you’re exhausted from vacuuming and sweeping them up, give Pointe Pest Control in Tumwater, WA a call. We take out the queen and her legions so the hive cannot repopulate and invade your property.