Wasp Control in Tumwater

Pointe Pest Control office Tumwater, Washington

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Pointe Office/s Serving Tumwater

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Reclaim Your Yard With Tumwater Wasp Removal Services

Whether you’re BBQ’ing, swimming, or just trying to mow your lawn, wasps can ruin just about any backyard fun. To help you enjoy your outdoor spaces more we offer wasp removal services in Tumwater, WA. They are good for agriculture but not so much so for having hives around our homes. Wasp populations can explode as they reproduce quickly.

This means they can go from a couple of random wasps sniffing around your home’s soffits or eaves to being a horrible infestation in no time. Wasps are vehemently protective of their homes, so if you notice one keep your distance and call your Tumwater wasp removal experts at Pointe Pest Control.

Backyard Plans Ruined

Your home is where you relax and your children spend much of their time, especially in the summer. No one wants to get stung and having a hive outside your home can make you and your family want to just stay inside.

Wasps are attracted to many of the things we love too. Items such as meat, drinks, perfumes, colognes, brightly colored flowers, fruit trees, swimming pools, trash cans, and other pest infestations.

How To Identify A Wasp Nest

Paper wasps and yellowjackets are the most common types of wasps found in the state of Washington. Bees build their nests out of wax, so the exterior has an appearance that reflects that. Wasps in Washington build their nests out of chewed wood fiber mixed with their spit.

Wasp nests have a papery and gray appearance and are usually round with a hole at the bottom. There are some wasp nests that look more like an exposed paper honeycomb.

While there are some differences between what yellowjackets and wasps eat, the need to remove both or either still exists. Paper wasps tend to be fairly docile unless provoked. Yellowjackets however tend to become more aggressive in the summer and fall and may attack even without provocation.

The Pitfalls Of DIY Wasp Removal

Wasps are known to be aggressive and if they feel threatened they attack. This is especially true of their homes. If they feel like you’ve come to remove their home, they will defend it. Bees can usually only sting you once, whereas wasps can sting you as many times as they get the chance to.

Wasps can signal to their colony with pheromones to attack. So you may have started with only a few you could see, but quickly that number can grow out of control. Even with high-powered garden hoses, you’re still too close to ensure not being stung trying to remove wasps.