Washington is home to some of the nation’s prettiest landscapes and tourism in Washington is alive and exciting. Pike’s Place Market is one of the most entertaining places to visit in the Seattle area. Fresh fish being flung and chucked back and forth among the fish salesmen with a tune and a chant escaping from their lips has visitors and tourists gathering in fascination. The many food vendors and craftsmen fill the market with a lively air of fun and color. Seattle especially is an animated city of entertainment to visit. But as much fun as tourism is in Washington, this great state is not free of bed bugs and these nasty, little parasites might hitch a ride home in your suitcase. Once bed bugs in Washington have moved into your home, getting rid of them is a near impossible feat for the average homeowner and professional bed bug control is a must.
How bed bugs infest and feed
Homeowners are frequently unaware of a bed bug problem until it is too late. Bed bugs are sneaky and excellent hiders, not to mention the fact that they are small and nocturnal so seeing them crawl around during the day is unlikely. Bed bugs hide under mattresses, along baseboards, near nightstand and under bedframes during the day and only at night, when they can literally smell you sleeping, do they emerge. As you sleep, you exhale CO2, which alerts bed bugs to your presence. They creep out from their hiding places and then feed on your while you sleep. It is an unnerving prospect that an insect is sucking your blood while you soundlessly slumber.