Where Do Bugs Go When the Cold Arrives?

One of the nice things about winter is though it might be cold; you do not have to worry about bugs. You can go for a chilly walk, build a snowman and never worry about mosquitoes, ticks or other insects. Spokane Pest Control is easy in the winter. Have you ever wondered where the bugs go when cold weather hits?


The answer is, most simply die. Insect systems crash when the temperatures drop to freezing. Ice crystals do damage to organs and the insects are no more. Unfortunately, there are exceptions to that rule. There are a few insects in Spokane that can overwinter without problem. Many choose your home and their place to hibernate.

Some insects can produce glycerin, which is a lot like the antifreeze that you put inside of your car. The glycerin in their blood keeps them from freezing. These insects can survive when the temperatures drop below freezing. Other bugs like flies and wasps will find a nice place to hibernate. They congregate into large numbers and stay warm enough to survive. If you have any attic vents under your eaves that have holes in them, you might have hundreds of flies and wasps hanging out above your head.

Spiders leave eggs sacs that are hardy enough to survive the chill of winter and will hatch out as soon as the temperatures warm up. Many insects use the same strategy. Other insects will bury their eggs underground deep enough to avoid freezing temperatures. Of course there are other insects that don’t hibernate at all. If your home has bed bugs, cockroaches, carpenter ants, carpet beetles or silverfish, your home is warm enough for them to keep living and reproducing, all winter long.

When you need Spokane Pest Control, turn to the experts at Pointe Pest Control. Our certified technicians will be able to identify the pest and create a treatment plan that will meet your needs. No matter what pest is taking over your home or yard, we can get rid of it. Treat yourself to a year round pest free home. Give us a call today.

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