Bed Bug Control in Grant Pass

Pointe Pest Control office in Medford, Oregon

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Grant Pass

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Eradicating Pesky Bed Bugs

Have you heard the news about bed bugs? Their numbers are on the rise. Before you imagine seedy hotels and dirty homes think again. Bed bugs can be found in the cleanest homes and the most upscale hotels. The reason bed bugs can be found anywhere is pretty simple and straight forward. Bed bugs do not eat crumbs, their diet is blood. Simply put, you are on their menu and they are specially tuned to find you in your home and attack you while you sleep. The good news is that bed bugs are known to transmit diseases. The bad news is that most people who get an infestation of bed bugs in Oregon begin to suffer from insomnia. The idea that something will be biting you as you sleep proves to be too much for many people. Instead of suffering with the problem, there is a simple solution. All you need to do is give Pointe Pest Control a call. We take the bite of bed bugs and get them out of your home or business.

About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs get into homes, business, schools, movie theaters and anywhere you can find people. Have you ever wondered how an infestation starts? Well, bed bugs are perfect hitchhikers. When you visit a location in Oregon that has a bed bug infestation, and you unknowingly set your purse down, they can easily climb inside.

If you kids go to school and the school has an infestation, they could be bringing a lot more home than homework. When you go to a hotel or motel and set your luggage down, six legged souvenirs might be traveling home with you. The same can be said of brief cases at work and duffel bags at army barracks. Once the bed bug is in your home, it finds a place to hide. When night descends and you climb into bed, the bed bugs come out to find you. They are specially adapted to hunt you down. Bed bugs are able to sense the carbon dioxide you exhale and sense the heat from your body. If you move to a different room, they will hunt you down. Bed bugs can travel up to 20 feet each night looking for you. If you decide to attempt to starve them by staying in a hotel, you better be prepared to stay a long time. Bed bugs can easily go 3 months without food.

Pointe Pest Control office in Medford, Oregon
Pointe Pest Control office in Medford, Oregon