Rodent Control in Grant Pass

Pointe Pest Control office in Medford, Oregon

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Grant Pass

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Eradicating Rascally Rodents

If you have an invasion of rodents taking up residence in your home, don’t worry, almost a third of your fellow Americans are dealing with the same problem. The reason rodents get into your home is because they are tricky. If there is a way into your home, they will do everything they can to get inside. Think about it, everything that you love about your home are the very things that make rodents want to get inside. You have a pantry with food, plenty of water, and shelter from the cold. Once they are inside, they will steal your food and ruin your health and home. When you need rodent control in Oregon, Pointe Pest Control is your solution.

How they get inside

Take a tour around the outside of your home. You might want to bring a marker with you. While walking around the perimeter of your home, look for holes and cracks. Pay close attention to the area where your gas and electrical lines enter your home. Also, take a good look around your doors and windows. Once you have identified any gaps or holes, see if the marker will fit inside. If it does, that is a potential spot where a mouse can enter. If your index and middle finger fit inside, you could be sharing your breakfast with a rat. When you give Pointe Pest Control a call, we come to your home and close off all the entry areas. We stop the rodents from coming in and eliminate any that are inside. When you want Oregon Rodent Control, you need to give us a call.

The issues

Rodents bring in a lot of problems. One of the first things you will notice is how they love to spoil your food. In order to mark the food as theirs they will urinate and defecate and ruin everything. The next issue is their teeth. Rodent teeth are always growing and since they are always growing, rodents are always chewing. Rats can chew through drywall, cinderblock, wood, glass, plastic, and soft metals. Rodents will chew up your furniture and make a mess of any insulation. One of the biggest issues with rodents is all of the diseases they carry. Salmonellosis, Rat-bite fever, and Hantavirus, are just a few of the terrifying diseases you can get. You cannot afford to have rodents. Your home and your health are at stake.

Pointe Pest Control office in Medford, Oregon
Pointe Pest Control office in Medford, Oregon