Bed Bug Control in Portland

Pointe Pest Control Office in Portland Oregon

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Pointe Office/s Serving Portland

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Portland Bed Bug Control; Beat the Bed Bugs

If you imagine bed bugs only being in seedy motels and filthy homes, your imagination is wrong. Bed bugs don’t carry about dirt; they only care about feeding off you. Because of that, bed bugs can be found in five star hotels and the home of your best friend. Since bed bugs are hitchhikers, whenever you visit a place that has an infestation, you risk bringing bed bugs home with you. Once inside your home, the little insects will immediately locate a place to hide close to your bed. Then when you are peacefully sleeping, the bed bugs emerge to gorge themselves on your blood. You will be left with itchy red bites, mixed with the disgust of knowing that little insects are eating you while you sleep.

Know the important sign

Just because you are getting bit, doesn’t always mean you have bed bugs. If you think you will be able to see the bed bugs crawling around, think again. Bed bugs hate light. When the sun is up they find places to hide. Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed. Now imagine all the places in your bedroom where you could hide an apple seed and you begin to realize how many places a bed bug can hide. While doing inspections, our technicians at Pointe Pest Control have found bed bugs in electrical outlets, down heater vents and under carpet. One of the best ways to know if you have an infestation is to take a close look at your sheets. Bed bugs are lazy; they eat your blood and then defecate. If you notice brownish-red spots in your sheets and on your pajamas and you are getting bit, the chance that you have a bed bug infestation is high.

Professional Pest Control

Since bed bugs are difficult to eliminate, biologists recommend hiring a professional. That is where we come in. With Pointe Pest Control you are getting professional technicians that have years of bed bug elimination experience. We have the most current treatment methods that will eradicate bed bugs and allow you to have a good night sleep with worrying about being bitten. We understand the secret life of bed bugs, and that knowledge will allows us to get them out of your house. With Pointe Pest Control on your side, you don’t have to worry about bed bugs.