Wasp Control in Portland

Pointe Pest Control Office in Portland Oregon

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Pointe Office/s Serving Portland

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Wasp Control in Portland

Portland, Oregon is a safe and wonderful place to raise children. It is still considered one of the safest cities of its size in the United States. Along with this, there is much to do in Portland to keep kids entertained. The Children’s Museum is an interactive, educational place for kids to learn while having fun. The hands on aspect of real life learning situations allows kids to experience many grown up situations and get their minds thinking. If they want to make a splash, there are at least a dozen pools in Portland with indoor and outdoor pools, some even with waterslides and play equipment. You want to do the best for your children, to help them grow up safe, happy and smart but if their safety is compromised in their own backyard, you would do anything to remedy that. Backyard wasps pose a very real danger to your children and keeping wasp nests away requires steady, year round efforts.

What do wasp nests look like?

Wasps can nest in various parts of your yard and depending on the type of wasp, in a range of places. For instance, yellow jackets, paper wasps and hornets are the most common types of wasps. They like to nest in corners of your garage, under the eaves of your roof, in attics or really any place protected from the elements. Some types of wasps called digger wasps, build their nests underground and if you see them fly into a hole in the ground, you know what the problem is. Wasp nests look gray and papery, sometimes being round with a round entrance hole at the bottom and other times they look like exposed paper honeycomb. Wasps do not make honey however, their primary purpose is to grow their family and they are very protective of it.

Beware of DIY wasp control

Wasps have a reputation of being aggressive and attacking when they feel threatened. Not all wasps are aggressive but most will sting if they feel their home they have so painstakingly built is in danger. And unlike bees, wasps will repeatedly sting because they can. They do not die after one sting, they can sting over and over. Some homeowners try to keep wasps away by using high powered water hoses to spray down their nests. This is very dangerous because it angers the wasps and using a pheromone scent, they signal to the other wasps to attack. Pointe Pest Control technicians are experienced at safely removing wasp nests. Routine inspections ensure that the wasps are not returning.