Portland Rodent Control; Rascally Rodents
Imagine being snug in your bed, looking down at the floor and seeing a rat. Or maybe you are in the kitchen heating up a bite to eat when you spot a mouse. Unfortunately, both of these scenarios occur far too often. Rodents love everything about your home. They love the food, the garbage cans, the toilets, and the even temperatures. If your home has an entry point, rascally rodents are going to find it. Take a look around the outside of your home. Are there any cracks in your foundation or holes where gas pipes enter? Did you know that a mouse can fit through a hole the size of a dime? Rats on the other hand can fit through a space the size of a quarter. If your home has weakness, you be certain that rodents will find it.
Rodents are not your friends
There are a lot of cartoons that would have you believe that rats and mice are your happy friends. They definitely are not. Rodents steal you food and chew holes in your walls and furniture. Not only are they thieves, but they also transmit a lot of nasty diseases. Rats spend time in sewers and garbage, and then wander around your kitchen table. It has been estimated that there are millions of different bacteria and viruses on a rat’s foot. Have you ever heard of the Black Death, or bubonic plague that killed off millions of people during the dark ages in Europe? The fleas carried by rats were to blame. Mice transmit some pretty terrifying diseases as well. Hantavirus causes your lungs to fill up with fluid. One in every three people that get Hantavirus will die from it. To avoid getting Hantavirus, you should never sweep or vacuum in areas that have a mouse problem.
Professional Rodent Control
When you want to protect your home and family from rascally rodents, you need to call in the professionals with Pointe Pest Control. Our technicians know where rats, mice, squirrels and other rodents love to hide. In order to effectively eradicate the rodents, we use a multipronged treatment approach. We use a variety of methods to eliminate the rodents that are already inside of your home, but we also seal up any entry points to make certain they won’t be getting back in. You should never have to live with an infestation of rodents. No matter how massive the infestation, Pointe Pest Control is your local solution to eliminating rodents.