Ant Control in Centralia

Pointe Pest Control in Centralia

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March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Why You Should Leave Centralia Ant Control to the Professionals

Centralia is a beautiful and diverse place. Unfortunately, the ant population in the city is just as diverse, and some are even extremely invasive. Others even carry and transmit serious diseases. Even when a species of ant is perfectly harmless, it does not mean you want them in your home. Ants can make life in the home very difficult. Even when populations increase in the yard, it makes it very challenging to enjoy an outdoor barbecue when the weather gets warmer.

It is not uncommon for people to start laying down traps and bait as soon as they see an ant in the home. This often seems like the most convenient option, as these do-it-yourself solutions are readily available. Unfortunately, these treatments are not always the easy solution they seem to be. They are often ineffective and in some cases, ant control products are even dangerous. If you are dealing with an ant problem inside or outside of the home, you should call a Centralia ant control company that can take care of the problem for you.

Do Ants Pose a Danger to Humans?

Although they are annoying, many people do not realize that certain types of ants are also dangerous. Ants that sting or bite pose a particular threat to the people they are around. A fire ant colony will quickly become aggressive when their nest is disturbed, and they will emerge and attack the perceived threat in a swarm. Pharaoh ants on the other hand, transmit a number of diseases to humans. Salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus are just a few diseases Pharaoh ants carry.

Ants can also cause structural damage to a home. Carpenter ants will chew through wood when making their nest, which can weaken the structural integrity of a home. Any type of ant may also take shelter in furniture, and even clothing, and some establish their colonies behind the wallpaper of a home because it is close to their food source. The electrical system within a home can also become damaged when ants crawl into electrical outlets, or when they swarm outside.

Why DIY Solutions are Not Recommended

You may think that getting rid of an ant problem in the home is as easy as purchasing ant baits, traps, and poison. The idea with these treatments is that the worker ants will take the bait and bring it back to the queen, killing the entire colony once she has eaten it.

It is true that you have to kill the queen in order to kill the entire colony. However, if you simply wait for the colony to die off, it could take months before you have eliminated the problem. You can lay bait and traps to kill the worker ants, but most of the time, they will simply move to another location. You will still have a problem, but it will just be in a different part of the home.

Lastly, the pesticides used to kill ants can be very dangerous to human health. People do not always know how to properly handle these substances and so, while these products may be harmful to ants, they can also make the people and pets within a home very sick.

Leave the Problem to a Centralia Ant Control Company

Like other types of pests, you may already have an ant problem if you have seen even just a few stragglers around the home. If you do not already have an infestation at this point, it is likely that you soon will. To get rid of the problem, and even to prevent one from occurring, you should speak to a Centralia ant control company.

Do-it-yourself solutions are simply ineffective and place the health of people within the home at risk. A professional Centralia ant control company will have treatments that are safe, and they will also know how to handle them properly. An ant control professional will also be able to identify the type of ant that is causing a problem, so the right solutions are used.

Many people hesitate to let the professionals take care of the problem because they believe it is too expensive. This is not true. Not only do ant control companies offer very affordable rates, but they will also eliminate the problem much more quickly, saving homeowners time, money, and the stress these pests cause.