Spider Control in Centralia

Pointe Pest Control in Centralia

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Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
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Why You Should Never Handle Centralia Spider Control On Your Own

Spiders can startle anyone, and some people have a real phobia of them. Fortunately, the majority of spiders in Centralia are fairly harmless, but there are some that pose a real threat to humans. Still, even when spiders do not pose any danger to the people in and around a home, it is still important to deal with the problem.

Large spider populations in the home are very unpleasant, and it can also mean there are other pests around that are providing them with a food source. If you are dealing with a problem, you should always speak to a Centralia spider control expert instead of trying to get rid of it on your own.

What Types of Spiders are in Centralia?

The two main types of spiders in Centralia are the Hobo spider and the Hololena spider, and it is very difficult to tell the difference between the two. They also both spin funnel webs, which allow them to remain deep inside the web waiting for prey to land in the web. When it does, these spiders jump on them and attack.

The Hololena spider does not pose any risk to humans. They are also most often seen trapped in bathtubs and sinks. Hololena spiders have been known to bite people, but they do not pose any real danger. Although a bite may be slightly painful, it will also usually go away on its own and these bites do not require medical intervention.

The other very common type of spider in Centralia is the Hobo spider, which can bite people and cause significant harm. The Hobo spider is venomous and the toxin it delivers can cause a person to become very sick. A Hobo spider bite is not very painful, but the area around the bite can start to swell. After a brief period of time, the swelling may extend six inches around any part of the bite.

Blisters can then start to form and eventually, they will break. These broken blisters sometimes create an ulcer that needs surgery to repair. Even when serious medical attention is not necessary, a Hobo spider can still cause weakness, severe headaches, vision impairment, and nausea.

Due to the fact that Hololena and Hobo spiders look so similar to each other, it is important that you never try to remove them on your own. You may think you are just trying to get a harmless spider out of your house only to sustain a serious injury.

Spider Problems Require a Professional

When spider populations get out of control in or around your home, you want them gone as soon as possible. If you are like many people, you may run out to the hardware store to find an over-the-counter solution that will work. Unfortunately, that is unlikely to happen. The majority of products on the market are not strong enough to eliminate the majority of spider infestations. Even when they do work, the results are only temporary. If there is still something about your home that attracts spiders, they will come back and you will have to deal with the problem all over again.

The products on the market also often have many toxins and poisons that are not only dangerous for spiders, but for people, too. To avoid this, many homeowners look for organic spider solutions, such as spraying peppermint oil around the exterior of their home. These are not scientific spider control methods and have not been proven to work.

What Will a Spider Control Professional Do?

Sometimes, it is obvious that using a pest control specialist is necessary. For example, if termites were destroying the structure of your home, you may know a professional is necessary. It may not be as obvious if you are dealing with a spider problem.

A Centralia spider control professional will first determine how the pests are making their way into your home or yard. They will advise on sealing certain cracks, holes, and gaps so that once treatment is applied, the spiders do not come back. The treatment a spider control professional uses is also safer and more effective than the other products found on the market, so they will fight even the toughest spider problems.