Wasp Control in Centralia

Pointe Pest Control in Centralia

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March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
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Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Prevention is Key in Centralia Wasp Control

Wasps are some of the most feared pests around the home. Their long stinger can inflict a very painful sting that could swell and turn red. Wasps also do not lose their stinger after they sting, meaning a person can be stung repeatedly. If they feel threatened, they will become even more aggressive. Wasp problems will typically develop outside, but it is extremely dangerous to try and get rid of one on your own. A Centralia wasp control company can safely remove a wasp problem so you can take back your outdoor space again.

A Wasp Sting Can Be Deadly

Most people fear getting stung by a wasp because it is very painful. Fortunately, some minor pain is all most people feel after a wasp sting. Tragically for others, a wasp sting can be fatal. According to the CDC, 62 people died from stinging insects between the years of 2000 and 2017. Of all those deaths, 80 percent of victims were men. Death is more likely for those who are allergic to wasp stings and that suffer anaphylactic shock. This condition can result in hives, difficulty breathing and a feeling of lightheadedness.

Getting stung by a wasp once is unpleasant, even for those who are not allergic. However, when wasps feel threatened, they will swarm. They do this for protection, as there is safety in numbers. When they feel that a person has threatened their nest, they will swarm and many wasps will sting multiple times. After a person has been stung by a wasp twice, they are more likely to become allergic to the toxin the wasp delivers when it stings.

How to Know You Need Centralia Wasp Control

Wasps are invasive, and their presence is usually fairly obvious. Unlike other types of pests, such as mice, you will likely be able to detect a wasp problem very quickly once it has developed. Even if you do not see the nest right away, you will likely see many wasps flying around. If you have only seen the insects, start looking for a nest under your eaves, around outside lights, behind shutters, and in sheds. If you suspect that you have a wasp nest in your attic, you should be very careful when entering the area, so you do not disturb the nest.

If you do find a nest, you should also look for any damage the wasps may have caused. When creating their nest, wasps will chew through wood and use it as building material. It is important to identify this type of damage so you can repair it as quickly as possible.

Once you have identified the problem, it is then critical to call a Centralia wasp control. Due to the fact that wasps become so aggressive when they feel threatened, trying to remove the nest yourself could result in real harm. A professional will know how to remove the problem safely and if necessary, locate the nest for you.

How to Prevent Wasp Problems

Ideally, you would never have to deal with a wasp problem at all. Fortunately, that is sometimes possible if you follow a few prevention tips, including:

  • Keep garbage bins securely sealed: Wasps are known scavengers and they will eat just about anything they can. Garbage has many of the nutrients wasps like and need and so, trash is particularly attractive to them. Garbage is also readily available, particularly when trash cans are left outside. All waste cans should have lids that fit tightly and securely so wasps cannot get inside, and to limit the smell, which could also attract the insects.
  • Seal off areas of access: Wasps do typically tend to stay outdoors but sometimes, they make their way inside. To keep wasps outside where they belong, seal off any areas they could use to access the inside of your home. Look for cracks and holes around doors, windows, foundations, and around utility vents. Wasps could use these to make their way inside.
  • Soap and water: Using a mixture of soap, water, and peppermint oil, spray the outdoor areas of your home where wasps are most likely to build a nest. Soap clogs the holes that wasps need to breathe and so, they try to avoid it. Like many other pests, the smell of peppermint is also a deterrent to wasps.

Even the best prevention tips are unfortunately not always enough to keep wasps away. When that is the case, a Centralia wasp control company can eliminate the problem for you.