Bed Bug Control in Centralia

Pointe Pest Control in Centralia

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Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
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Everything You Need to Know About Centralia Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs are a huge annoyance but for the most part, they are fairly harmless. The only real danger they pose to humans is the fact that they carry and transmit chagas disease, which is an infection that can last a lifetime if left untreated. The more immediate problem that comes with bed bugs of course, is the bites that leave a red, itchy bump.

There is never such a thing as one bed bug and so, bites can be found all over the body when a person wakes up in the morning. Getting rid of bed bugs is extremely difficult. If you have these pests in your home, it is important to speak to a Centralia bed bug control company that can take care of the problem.

Where Do Bed Bugs Live?

Due to their name, people assume that bed bugs only live in beds. It is true that these critters hide away in the nooks and crannies of mattresses and box springs. They take shelter in these areas so that they can emerge when a host is close by. Bed bugs are parasites and so, they feed off the blood of those hosts, which can be humans, but pets as well.

Although bed bugs largely do remain in beds, they will take refuge in any soft area. Bed bugs may hide in couches and other soft furniture and they can even be found hiding under wallpaper, in picture frames, and in electrical outlets. Clearly, bed bugs can hide just about anywhere in a home, which makes eliminating them so difficult.

People often cannot get rid of bed bugs on their own. Although there are many over-the-counter pesticides available, bed bugs have actually developed an immunity to these. A Centralia bed bug control specialist will have the tools needed to get rid of the problem once and for all.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs

The best way to deal with bed bugs is to never allow them into your home in the first place. No one wants bed bugs in their home, yet they still manage to find their way inside. Fortunately, you do not have to let them. Some of the best bed bug prevention tips are as follows:

  • Cover mattresses and box springs with protective linings.
  • Vacuum rugs and carpets regularly.
  • Remove clutter, as this provides a place for bed bugs and other pests to hide.
  • When spending time outside of the home, particularly overnight, inspect all accommodations, particularly bedding, to ensure bed bugs are not present.
  • Upon returning home, unpack suitcases and inspect them, looking for bed bugs.
  • Wash any clothing you traveled with as soon as you return home and in a separate load from your other laundry.
  • Inspect any second-hand clothing and furniture before you purchase it.

Unfortunately, even the best prevention tips cannot always keep bed bugs out of a home. For this reason, knowing how to identify a bed bug infestation is just as important as knowing how to prevent them.

How to Spot a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs reproduce very quickly and it does not take long for a few of the pests to turn into a massive infestation. It does not help the matter that bed bugs are very adept at hiding in small crevices, so the first few bugs are not always found right away. Knowing what to look for can help you spot a problem in its early stages, which makes it easier to treat.

An adult bed bug is about the same size as an apple seed, and they swell after they eat. If you suspect you have bed bugs in your home, start by looking for reddish-brown flat insects in the crevices of beds and other furniture, baseboards, and wallpaper. The eggs of bed bugs are approximately one millimeter long, so they are also visible to the human eye. Bed bugs usually lay their eggs in clusters.

Spotting the skins and shells of the eggs is also an indicator that you may have a bed bug problem. If you are dealing with a large infestation, you may find thousands of shells and skins, and they may vary in size. Bed bugs molt as they age, so sometimes their skins are smaller and will grow larger the older a bed bug gets.

Lastly, if you find red or rust-colored spots on your mattress, it may also mean you have a bed bug infestation. These spots are the blood of bed bugs and usually appear because bed bugs have been crushed while you sleep or move.