Pointe Blog

Best Way To Get Rid of Mice

By | Rodents | No Comments

Are you searching for the best way to get rid of mice?  If so, this post is for you!  Mice are a common problem. Infestations occur more often than you think, with more than 30% of homes and businesses claiming to have had mice problems in the past year. The weather…

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End of Summer Spider Control

End of Summer Spider Control

By | Spiders | No Comments

Summer is coming to an end and kids are going back to school. As temperatures cool down, insects and other creepy-crawly creatures tend to come out in search of warmth. Spiders are no exception.  Spiders are great for gardens, eating small bugs that could threaten plants and crops. But having…

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2022 Scholarship Winners

2022 Scholarship Winners

By | Media & News | No Comments

Pointe Pest Control is happy to announce the winners of the 2022 scholarship: Devon Suko, Kylie Durr, Desiree Isaacson, and Paige Sawyer. At Pointe, we are committed to giving back to our communities and are so proud of what these four young people have accomplished. Criteria Used for the Scholarship…

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Do Termites Bite Pets

Are Termites Dangerous to Pets?

By | Termites | No Comments

Termites can cause immense damage to a home. It has been estimated that they cause approximately $5 billion in damage to structures every year. Termites chew through wood, trying to get to the cellulose inside, so they can feed themselves and their colony. Termites also eat 24 hours a day….

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Complete Rat & Mice Prevention

By | Rodents | No Comments

Rats are a very big problem in Oregon. For decades the state has tried to implement ways to help keep the rat population down but no matter what, it seems homeowners in the state continue to battle the problem. For this reason, it is critical that all homeowners in Oregon…

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