For some, spiders are nothing more than an annoyance. Others, though, are genuinely frightened of them. Regardless of how one feels about spiders, they can become a real issue when populations within a home grow out of control. In some cases, they are even dangerous. Moses Lake, like the rest of the state, is home to many different types of spiders, and some of these can put your health and well-being in jeopardy. So, if spiders have made their way into your home, how do you know if you need the help of a professional Moses Lake spider control company? Our experts explain in detail below.
Does Moses Lake Have Poisonous Spiders?
Most of the spiders in Moses Lake and throughout the state of Washington are venomous, according to the Washington State Department of Health. Still, that does not mean that all of them pose a threat to human health. The only two spiders that residents of Moses Lake should be concerned about are the yellow sac spider and the black widow spider.
Yellow sac spiders are far more aggressive than the black widow, but they are not as dangerous. Yellow sac spiders will bite any time they feel threatened, and they will often bite multiple times. People react differently to the bite of a yellow sac spider. Some find it extremely painful right away, while others never even know they have been bitten by a yellow sac spider. Sometimes, a yellow sac spider bite will not leave anything behind other than a small red mark. In other instances, a pustule may develop accompanied by a painful burning sensation.