Pointe Blog

Do Earwigs Bite & Pinch?

By | Misc/Other | No Comments

Earwigs are a common pest found in homes and gardens throughout the Pacific Northwest. While not a native species, they travel easily through products and materials that are shipped from other areas. The name conjures up unpleasant images of small insects that enter your ears or other areas of the…

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Are You a Victim of Crazy Ants?

By | Ants | No Comments

Ants are a common pest throughout the Pacific Northwest and their presence can quickly ruin a picnic or other outdoor events. Seeming to appear out of nowhere, they can end up crawling on your skin while quickly contaminating any food or drinks you have set out. As aggravating as this…

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Spring Cleaning and Spider Control

By | Spiders | No Comments

Now that spring is officially here and warmer weather is right around the corner, many of us will be turning our attention to seasonal tasks that need to be done around the home. Spring cleaning provides the opportunity to spruce up your surroundings and uncover any problems or repairs that…

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That Scratching Sound

By | Rodents | No Comments

If you live in wooded areas, along grassy fields, or anywhere near a river in Idaho, Oregon or Washington state, your odds of eventually finding a mouse in your home are good. One of the telltale signs that you could have a problem is the sound of scratching behind walls,…

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